It's OK to be Biased
“It’s OK to be Biased” is a novel approach to addressing bias in law enforcement and related fields. The two-hour webinar course is based on the scientific fact that it is impossible to be bias-free. Everyone has biases, even animals. Bias is simply “being for or against” something. Biases are positive and negative in nature. The “ugly biases” are those that influence how law enforcement treats an individual or group based on stereotypes and misinformation.
The course addresses how biases are formed, how biases can be healthy, and how certain biases can, at times, be a detriment to the 21st Century Law Enforcement professional. We discuss the various echo chambers that form biases, group think dangers, and Malcolm Gladwell’s Thin Slicing decision-making process.
We identify the difference between bias-profiling (including race, gender, etc.) versus criminal profiling as well as the various statutes and case laws addressing law enforcement’s role in such situations.
The course dispels the common myths directed towards law enforcement and community interaction by accurately defining the terminology that has become “buzz words.”
Finally, we close up by providing tools to help identify and counter the “ugly biases.”
This course meets most states’ POST requirements for implicit bias/racial profiling training.
This course is Missouri POST Certified for 2 hours of Interpersonal Perspective including the sub-categories of 1-hour racial profiling legal studies and 1 hour of implicit bias interpersonal perspectives.