Responding to Interpersonal Violent Crimes
This course provides professionals an overview of the nature of co-occurring crimes that should be identified and investigated in the context of interpersonal violence.
These crimes can be difficult to investigating because of a lack of training and understanding regarding the dynamics involved. They are also difficult and sometimes frustrating to maintain victim engagement in the process of the investigation.
This course is designed for professionals and service providers who work with victim and offenders. The goal of the course is to provide participants additional tools to strengthen keeping victims safe and holding offenders accountable.
Course topics:
Understanding Victim and Offender realties
Identifying the Impact of trauma on victim response
Defining strangulation, signs, and symptoms
Defining Stalking, dynamics and behaviors
Recognize the intersection of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking with other crimes
Apply strategies for working with victims of Interpersonal Violence Crimes
Accurate report writing skills in IPV crimes