Crime Prevention for the 21st Century
All the things that we look at every day while on patrol and never really see or understand. The easy and the hard thoughts on why crime occurs where it does. Come prepared to tell about your community and to discuss why some of the things you/we have tried, why some have worked and some have not! Crime Prevention thoughts can help to clear out and clean up troublesome areas of your community. Discuss why we need “eyes” on the streets and how we, Law Enforcement, can educate the public to help themselves.
Course Topics will include:
- History and Theory of Crime Prevention
- Crime Prevention thru Environmental Design
- Locks, Lights and Alarms
- Target Hardening
- Securing the Faith Based Communities
- Identity Theft
- Personal Security
- Business Crime Prevention
- BASIC Crime Analysis
- Crimes Against People
- Schools and Crime
- Domestic Terrorism/Sovereign Citizens