Online Training- "I Never Gave THAT a Thought!" -Deaf Sensitivity Training
I. Introductions
A. Introduce presenter
1. Background experience
2. Education
B. Ask for experience with or stories about deaf and hard of hearing people (DHH)
II. Deaf Community and Deaf Culture
A. Definition of “Deaf Community and Deaf Culture”
1. Beliefs held by members of the culture
2. Sub-groups within the community
3. Culturally appropriate terminology
4. How to communicate without using verbal communication or sign language
B. How this culture relates to law enforcement
III. Traffic situations
A. Where officers may encounter DHH drivers
1. Traffic violation
2. Automobile accident
B. Ideas for ways in which to deal with drivers who are DHH
1. Role play
IV Arrest Situations
A. Miranda advisement
1. How relates to deaf and hard of hearing people (DHH)
B. Communication during an arrest
V Domestic Violence
A. Behavior generally seen at a domestic violence call
1. Deaf/hard of hearing people are not always quiet
2. Communicate physically (with hands & facial expressions)
B. Sign Language Interpreters
1. Who is appropriate to use to interpret
VI Sign Language Interpreters
A. Role of an interpreter
1. To facilitate communication effectively
2. Best is someone outside of situation
3. Role play
4. VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) cell phones. Oops!
VII American Sign Language Vocabulary
A. Signs officers may use when interacting with deaf/hard of hearing individuals
1. How to introduce themselves
2. How to gain further personal information
3. Colors
4. Numbers
5. Alphabet
VIII Conclusion
A. Review main points of training
1. Deaf Community and Deaf Culture
2. Traffic
3. Arrests
4. Domestic Violence
5. Sign language Interpreters (Caution re: VRI)
6. American Sign Language (ASL) Finger Spelling (some vocabulary)