Strangulation -Investigative Indicators


This webinar will take an in-depth look into identifying and solving strangulation cases. We will analyze specific methodology utilized in strangulation deaths and uncover the meanings behind them. The webinar will cover non-fatal, as well as fatal strangulation cases. We will also share best practices when it comes to designing departmental policy, in reference to non-fatal strangulation cases. This webinar will add value to all first responders, police officers, detectives, fire fighters, social workers, EMT’s, coroners, and prosecutors. 

At the successful completion of this course, the participants will be able to complete the following:  

  • Define Strangulation
  • Describe the three forms of strangulation
  • Identify post-trauma risks associated with investigating non-fatal strangulation cases, which may turn fatal
  • Identifying suspicious behavior methodology in hanging death investigations
  • Recognize post-mortem attributes of strangulation victims.
  • Distinguish the difference between “Cause of Death” and “Manner of Death”
  • Describe and locate the anatomical positioning of the hyoid bone, cricoid, and thyroid cartilages that have been fractured or dislocated.
  • Identify dissection of the main neck arteries, as well as anatomical positioning of the carotid artery and the jugular vein.
  • Recognize behavioral, cognitive, and/or psychological consequences that strangulation victims may display.
  • Identify the attributes and characteristics found at the scene of an autoerotic sexual asphyxiation death investigation.