Leadership Through Understanding Emotional Intelligence and Human Behavior




Due to the nature, visibility, and impact of law enforcement services 

 on society, the occupation is highly scrutinized regarding its tough demands on personnel and leadership to meet increasing public expectations. As a result of this complex and dynamic landscape, modern officers need more than tactical expertise and an old, autocratic style to succeed. Because of the rapid and ever-changing landscape of the profession, law enforcement officers may require more than just task competencies or technical know-how. Officers possessing a particular blend of skills, competencies, and traits are more likely to be successful. Law enforcement officers need to develop healthy relationships and manage conflict while achieving productive goals. To achieve their goals, law enforcement officers need skills to build, maintain, and strengthen alliances and partnerships, both within and outside an organization. Effective law enforcement officers need to maintain the respect and support of not only the rank and file but also the community at large, to do this they need EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE.

Course Objectives

    • Explain the importance of developing emotional intelligence in order to create change and enhance leadership
    • Explain the four basic components of emotional intelligence
    • Explain and compare the competencies that make up emotional intelligence
    • Articulate the emotional intelligence competencies common to star performers in law enforcement leadership
    • Analyze and discuss the EQ-i reports.
    • Practice emotional intelligence skills development.


Participants must be prepared to participate in interactive classroom exercises. In addition to lecture and discussion, participants are expected to record key information on the participant handout materials and take personal notes.

Throughout the program participants will be involved in individual and group activities where they apply the concepts being presented in class and share their findings by presenting their individual or group’s ideas and applications to the rest of the class. Thus, all participants will derive the added benefits of learning from each other, and enhance their understanding and appreciation of each other.

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