Investigating Citizen Complaints & Officer Misconduct for Supervisors (Perez)
1. Attendees will learn about the impact of internal investigations on an officer’s conduct and ethical decision-making.
2. Attendees will learn strategies and concepts to improve citizen complaint investigations.
3. Attendees will learn the differences between performance matters and serious misconduct and the supervisor’s role in handling such incidents.
4. To inform the attendees of the importance of an open, unbiased and responsive complaint intake process and its impact on the process.
5. To review recruitment and hiring concepts for citizen complaint review boards.
6. To define different types of personnel investigations involving internal reviews of alleged misconduct.
7. To acquaint attendees regarding the interviewing techniques associated with internal investigations.
8. The attendee will learn the differences in interviewing civilians, witness officers, and subject employees.
To inform the attendees of union contract rights and Law Enforcement Officer Bill of Rights and their applicability to internal complaints/investigations.
9. To inform attendees about the constitutional limitations of taking compelled statements from public employees and/or regarding work-place searches in both the administrative and criminal settings; provide recommendations for agency policy/practices.
10. To acquaint the attendees with the Weingarten Doctrine, regarding the right to union representation, and its applicability to employees about potential misconduct matters.
11. To acquaint the attendees about the benefits of Early Intervention Systems as well as other effective proactive measures that can reduce incidents of misconduct within their agencies.
12. To inform the attendees about their personal exposure and liabilities for failing to effectively manage and investigate their personnel.