Spanish for Emergency Telecommunicators


It's all about time. You feel it when you hear the urgency in that Spanish-speaking caller’s voice, but the language barrier is slowing everything down. Can you keep her on the line long enough? You dispatch your officers to check the “unknown problem.” But what if it’s a medical emergency? Will the delay affect a patient’s outcome? And if it’s a shooting? What’s in store for your officers when they arrive? You’re losing precious time just waiting to get an interpreter on the line, if one is available at all.

The skills taught during this course enable you to begin gathering critical information from Spanish speakers immediately. You’ll learn to give simple directions and ask critical questions to determine which services are needed (police/fire/EMS), establish the location of the emergency, gather suspect descriptions etc. (see outline below) all while avoiding being overwhelmed by the answers. Spanish for Emergency Telecommunicators not only bridges that frustrating “interpreter gap,” but can also function as a stand-alone, helping the call-taker get the best possible outcome." 


Keep a Spanish-speaking callers on the line and keep them calm

Explain that an interpreter is being sought

Other essentials for controlling incoming emergency/911 calls from Spanish speakers

Conversation control techniques

Gathering initial information rapidly to increase first responder safety

Maximize use of third-party interpreter services

Handling 911 hang-ups/callback with Spanish speakers

Assessing hazards and potential threats to first responders

Determining service needs (police, fire, ambulance) with Spanish-speaking callers

Gathering information on injured/ill persons on the scene in Spanish

Obtaining descriptions of suspects and missing persons from Spanish-speaking callers

Essentials for gathering basic biographical information

Obtaining initial information about accidents and specific offenses

Cultural and behavioral information to enhance telecommunicator effectiveness

Pertinent legal cases

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