Fire Pattern Recognition, Identification and Persistence (Tested Training)


The primary objective of any fire scene inspection is to collect data as set forth in the Scientific Method. This data collection begins with basic observations of the fire effects witnessed by the investigator. These observations will include such things as discoloration, deposition, deformation, and a loss of mass and in some instances a change in the state of matter. The investigator should document these effects and their location. Simply because this becomes the empirical data to be preserved and analyzed during testing your different hypotheses.


This module of training will assist the fire analyst to better understand fire effects and fire patterns on fire scenes, as outlined in Chapter Six of NFPA 921, Guideline for Fire and Explosion Investigations 2021 Edition following the Scientific Method to Fire Pattern Analysis among other peer reviewed documents.


Upon completion the attendees will have gained knowledge in the following areas.

  • Why it’s vital to record the observations initially without disturbing the scene or beginning interpretation of the physical evidence present.

  • How to Prepare the documentation in a way that it is apparent to a lay person looking over the documentation and understanding what is relevant. 

  • Better understand the nature, size, shape, intensity, and magnitude of the fire based on fire dynamics, demarcation, and specific heat rates of the products withing the area of origin.

  • Gain knowledge how patterns may be identified from a specific shape or progression of movement based on gravity substrate materials, ventilation, and the state of matter during combustion using vector charts back to the point of origin.

  • Better understand Fire effects, discoloration, soot deposition, deformation of a material and loss of mass.  

  • Examine Compartment fires effects, how flashover can be controlled by geometry and ventilation openings, protection/detection systems, such as sprinklers and fire walls doors and air duct dampers.

  • Examine photographs of fire effects and fire patterns from actual fire scenes. 

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